Legal notices

According to the provisions of Articles 6-III and 19 of Law No. 2004-575 of June 21, 2004, known as the Digital Economy Trust Law (L.C.E.N.), Users of the website are hereby informed of these legal notices. The connection and navigation on the website by the user implies the full and unconditional acceptance of these legal notices.

N° CPPAP : 0624 W 93939
ISSN number: 0298-6019 Petrostrategies (French edition)
ISSN number: 0298-6027 Petrostrategies (English edition)


L’édition du site est assurée par la Société ENERSTRATEGIES, société par actions simplifiée unipersonnelle au capital social de 38112.25 €, dont le siège social est situé au 61 rue de Lyon – 75012 Paris, immatriculée au Registre du Commerce et des Sociétés de Paris sous le numéro 333 761 849, représentée par ALCALINE agissant et ayant les pouvoirs nécessaires en tant que président.

The hosting

The hosting provider of the website is HOSTINGER, with headquarters at HOSTINGER INTERNATIONAL LTD, 61 Lordou Vironos Street, 6023 Larnaca, Cyprus, reachable via the following means:

Access to the website

The website is accessible from anywhere, 7 days a week, 24 hours a day, except in cases of force majeure, scheduled or unscheduled interruptions, and those resulting from maintenance requirements. In case of modification, interruption, or suspension of services, ENERSTRATEGIES cannot be held responsible.


The user is informed that during visits to the website, a cookie may be automatically installed on their browsing software. By browsing the site, they accept them. A cookie is a piece of data that does not identify the user but is used to record information about their browsing on the website. The user can disable this cookie through the settings within their browsing software.

Terms and Conditions of Use

These "General Terms of Use" (hereinafter "Terms") aim to define the conditions under which any user can use the services provided by the company ENERSTRATEGIES via the website These Terms apply to all users of the site. These Terms may be modified by ENERSTRATEGIES whenever it deems necessary, which the user expressly accepts in advance.

User Responsibility

No limitation of liability or warranty is granted to the user for any breach of its obligations arising from these General Terms of Use. Consequently, the user will be responsible for any damage, including direct, indirect, consequential, special, or incidental damages, physical and/or moral, material and/or immaterial, that they may cause to other Parties or third parties through the use of the Services or connection to the site. ENERSTRATEGIES makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of the information content disseminated on the site. However, it is the sole responsibility of users to verify the information disseminated, and ENERSTRATEGIES does not provide any guarantee in this regard. Its liability could not be incurred in case of inaccuracy or incompleteness of information appearing on the site.

Breach of these Terms of Use

Any use of the site and its features contrary to their purpose and objectives is strictly prohibited and constitutes a breach of these Terms of Use. Such breach may result in the suspension of the user's account, either temporarily or permanently, at the discretion of ENERSTRATEGIES.

Right to Use Online Services

The user agrees to provide accurate information during registration and any online formalities, as this information is necessary for the proper functioning of the site, the execution of services, and the proper application of pricing conditions. The user agrees not to create a false identity that could mislead ENERSTRATEGIES or third parties.

Online Services

ENERSTRATEGIES provides or may provide through its website the following services to the user: - Consultation of various content and information. - Use of transactional features: paid subscriptions, partnerships, and invitations. These transactional features are subject to specific conditions.

Proper Use of the Website

Every user agrees to use the website and its features without attempting to bypass the technical security and protection devices. They undertake not to disrupt or paralyze its operation. Any user found responsible for infecting all or part of the site with viruses or any other disruptive technical device agrees to bear all consequences, particularly financial, towards ENERSTRATEGIES or any third party affected. ENERSTRATEGIES may decide to block the dissemination or proceed with the deletion of any content uploaded online that would contravene: - French laws and regulations, international treaties, common decency; - the proper functioning of the site; - the legitimate interests of partners, contributors, other users, or third parties; - the image, reputation, and interests of ENERSTRATEGIES, its partners, and clients. ENERSTRATEGIES cannot be held liable or obliged to provide any compensation in this regard.

Intellectual Property

Any use, reproduction, distribution, commercialization, or modification of all or part of the website without the publisher's authorization is prohibited and may result in legal action and prosecution as provided for by the Intellectual Property Code and the Civil Code. 

Applicable Law - Contractual Language

The Terms of Use of the Website are governed by French law, regardless of the user's nationality. The language for reading, understanding, and interpreting the Terms of Use is French.